On 2006-02-08 10:08, K. Mike Bradley uttered these thoughts:
> Hello,
> I am running latest Gentoo.
> I want to start my app as a daemon.
> This app has a script to do so.
> webservice.sh
> I copied this file to /etc/init.d/
> I made a link:
> /etc/runlevels/default/webctrl ---> /etc/init.d/webservice.sh
> If I start manually it's ok:
> /etc/init.d/webservice.sh start
> But when I re-boot I get:
> *WARNING:   /etc/init.d/webctrl missing ... Skipping            [ok] 

I would imagine that the init system of Gentoo expects the links in
/etc/runlevels/... to have the same name as the script they link to.

So to get proper behaviour: 
ln -sf /etc/init.d/webservice.sh /etc/runlevels/default/webservice.sh
(or "rc-update add webservice.sh default")

Then remove /etc/runlevels/default/webctrl
That should fix it...

/  Patrick Börjesson
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