On Thu, 2006-02-09 at 18:47 -0600, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> On Sunday 05 February 2006 08:06, Philip Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
> about 'Re: [gentoo-user]  Re: So O.K.':
> > 060205 Franta wrote:
> > > Maybe we should start a new thread/threads to stop the flame.
> > > I hope somebody would be interested in this.
> >
> > You've probably put everyone else off: it was not the way to get help.
> > Gentoo is for people who want to manage their own machine(s).
> > Many people don't want to do that & everyone here would encourage them
> > to choose another distro: eg I use Mandrake 2005 in my back-up box.
> I can't agree more with this sentiment.  For the times when I'm not wants 
> to configure things as much as gentoo (say, my x86 chroot) I use deb or a 
> deb variant.
> Also, as others have said, there's nothing really wrong with letting your 
> gentoo install go stale.  Once you have a system set up and tweaked to 
> where you want it, just don't touch it.  I'll probably do just that for my 
> media center box.

Absolutely (in case you wanted further confirmation!) I once set up a
gentoo firewall / inet access / router / dhcp  box for a non-profit org
a few years ago.  I went back in recently, and there it is in the
corner, still running on the old 486.  I checked the uptime and syslogs
- it runs until there is a blackout, and then runs again faithfully!!  I
think it must still have linux-2.4.x on there...

Iain Buchanan <iain at netspace dot net dot au>

About the only thing on a farm that has an easy time is the dog.

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