On 2/12/06 5:28 PM, "Holly Bostick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I've never done anything with a system.map.  I manually copy it
>> myself to allow me to name them whatever I want.
> Well, that's my point, sort of... what exactly do you copy, and has that
> file been copied to Gilberto's /boot folder? From my /boot listing
> previously, you can see that even SUSE creates a system.map in the /boot
> folder, and that's a precompiled kernel (so it's not like it's copying
> manually or via make install). So I kinda suspect that it's a needed
> file across all distros, whatever it may be called.... and, looking in
> /usr/src/linux, it is a separate file from the bzImage file, which is
> the actual compiled kernel. The fact that the make install command also
> finds it necessary to copy this file from /usr/src/linux to /boot is not
> to be sneezed at either, imo.
I see your point.  However, how critical can it be, if I have 10 versions of
kernels in /boot and in /boot/grub/grub.conf, and NEVER copied that file?
It gets created in /usr/src/linux-xxxx, but NOT in /boot.  And is not
referenced anywhere in my grub.conf.  If it's to be used, it needs to be
called on the kernel line of the grub.conf.  And I've got 30 gentoo servers
running, without a one having the system.map file copied.
> Holly

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