Richard Fish wrote:
>>Now, after rebooting, it really went straight, with text menu. It
>>starts loading really fast the system,but all of a sudden, a "Kernel
>>Panic" says:
>>Warning - Unable to open an initial console
>>Kernel panic - not suncing: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel
> This message usually means you are missing /dev/console on your root 
> filesystem.

That warning, yes.
But the error right after that means what it says: No init found, ie. it
has mounted a filesystem (else you get another error-: Kernel panic -
cannot mount root partition) but it is unable to find 'init' there.
>From that, one can deduce the OP probably pointed the kernel to the
wrong root partition (ie. /boot, or /usr, etc.)


> Boot from the live CD, mount your root, and do:
> cp -a /dev/console /dev/null /dev/zero /mnt/gentoo/dev/
> -Richard

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