On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 19:58 -0500, Nick Smith wrote:
> actually the SMP "is" working, as in top shows 2 CPU's.  but when i do
> an emerge --sync CPU1 stays pegged at 99% and CPU0 stays below 1% the
> entire time. this is a dual 200mhz U2 Sparc system, i was just
> wondering if this was normal or is there something messed up in my
> config?

AFAIK, certain operations can't use both CPU's because of the way
they're written.  rsync (used by emerge --sync) may be one.  At least
you'll use one cpu for rsync, and the other cpu for everything else you
may be doing at the time, so you'll still get a performance advantage.

> and sorry for posting this in the normal user list, i figured i would
> get more responses here as i dont think this is specific to Sparc
> hardware, but i could be wrong.

No worries!  I don't know what the "official" word is, but this list is
more a general usage list, rather than gentoo specific issues.
Iain Buchanan <iain at netspace dot net dot au>

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