I had a very similar problem, but I actually got something in my
/var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log file:

Starting up as the master server.
/mnt/store//nfslockfile.lock: Permission denied
Unable to open lockfile!
Be sure that '/mnt/store/' exists and that both
the directory and that file are writeable by this user.

I checked the directory and it was owned by root (I assume because I
mounted a drive there,) so I first chowned the directory to
nobody:nobody thinking that the initscript ran as nobody. However,
that didn't work, but I noticed that mysql runs as the user 'mysql' so
I chowned the directory to mythtv:nobody and everything worked

You may have to add the user mythtv to the video group (to access your tv card.)

I certainly hope that helped someone.

On 1/14/06, Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a real odd problem running the backend server for MYTHTV...
> The short story is, I can't startup the backend server via the startup script
> at /etc/init.d/mythbackend... start does not work. It claims it starts but it
> doesn't, no errors, nothing at all in dmesg or messages and worse than that,
> the backend server doesn't run long enough to log anything
> to /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log!
> Now the kicker... if I execute /usr/bin/mythbackend  directly from a console,
> it runs perfectly... and for the time being that's how I'm running it... I've
> a fully functional mythtv setup, I just can't start the backend server from
> the init script.
> I've tried loading all kinds of einfo's to the startup script to help trace
> actions in the script... it all looks like the server should be loading. I
> even added strace to the script and the output looks just peachy... but it
> won't start from the script.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks, in advance,
>                                       Jerry....
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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