El Wed, 22 Feb 2006 11:55:46 +0100 (CET)
Sascha Lucas dijo:

thanks for reply!
> On Tue, 21 Feb 2006, Arnau Bria Ramírez wrote:
> > I have a Solaris disk with Solari's ufs FS.
> > I found ufs support in my kernel, but I'm not sure if it's the same as 
> > Solari's
> > one (I'm not sure if solaris uses standards ufs fs).
> >
> > does anyone mounted a solaris ufs disk using ufs kernel's support?

> No not solaris but freebsd. Enable Solaris (x86) partition and Sun 
> partition tables support + ufs filesystem. Read MOUNT(8) about ufs options 
> (ufstype=sun or sunx86). Read 

sunx86? do you think if it's going to work with sparc? (I forgot to say
taht) disk comes from Sun Blade 1500... I think it should be just "sun" as it
does not specify architecture:

        sun     used in SunOS (Solaris)
                supported as read-write

        sunx86  used in SunOS for Intel (Solarisx86)
                supported as read-write

> /usr/src/linux/Documentation/filesystems/ufs.txt about ufs-write support. 
> It should work.
I tried it and it did not recognize partition table... now, after reading you
reply, I found partition table support for SunOS... going to recompile kernel
and test...

Thansk a lot!!!!!
> Sascha.

Arnau Bria

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