not only that, but this error has been there for many months, no matter
what version of glibc you use.  It doesnt seem to cause any problems on
my systems, but if the line is erroring off, it means that you are using
MDNS by default (or so it seems), so commenting the line is status quo.

Has there been a specific bug actually raised on this so far - or is
anyone raising a bug on this?  If not I will in an hour or so.


On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 08:39 +0930, Iain Buchanan wrote:
> wooooah horsey, whoah!
> OK...
> 1. I could have deleted the line by myself, but I didn't because I've
> never touched /etc/host.conf so far, and because it belonged to glibc, I
> didn't want to stuff around with it.  My system is working, even though
> I get this "error" message, so I left it as is until I was sure.
> 2. Yes I am running an unstable system (~x86), and that includes glibc,
> gcc, kernels, and every other package I have installed.  I am aware that
> from time to time this may cause problems, but I do it for two reasons:
>  a) I like to help as much as I can in detecting and reporting bugs
> before they make it to x86 (or other archs), because even though I'm
> employed as one, I'm not much of a programmer :P
>  b) I like having new features and fixes sooner rather than later.
> 3. Thanks for the comments, especially from Rumen quoting the einfo
> lines - I only have warnings mailed to me so I missed that one.
> 4. I think I will file a bug - IMHO there should have been a
> new /etc/host.conf, which would have then been labelled ._cfg_host.conf
> (or whatever) and I would have resolved the problem myself.  If it got
> me worried, it's going to get a lot more people worried when it hits
> x86.
> cya,
> -- 
> Iain Buchanan <iain at netspace dot net dot au>
> ... though his invention worked superbly -- his theory was a crock of sewage
> from beginning to end.
>               -- Vernor Vinge, "The Peace War"
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