Ow Mun Heng wrote:

On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 23:14 -0600, Mike Myers wrote:
Hi everybody!

I'm having problems with a laptop and the suspend2 patched kernel. It seems like whenever I suspend to ram, and then resume, the video doesn't come back.


what video card? did you try the vbetool hack?

I'm using the suspend2-sources 2.6.15-suspend2-r6 kernel, yes. My video card is an intel Mobile Accelerated graphics card, and I'm using the vesa driver until I can get the intel driver for it installed. I tried to install vbetool, but it wouldn't compile, so I couldn't use it.

Also, I'm using the intel 2200 wireless card, with the ipw2200 module, and if I put the laptop into hibernate and then power it back on, the wireless card doesn't come back up.

i have ipw2100. It's modprobed -r by suspend2 config files. IIRC you ma
have to modprob it back on. Not sure.

after resuming, lsmod shows it to still be loaded. rmmod ipw2200 and then modprobe ipw2200 doesn't bring it back up. I have to reboot for it to come back.

Is there anything I can do to fix this? Or somewhere I can go that will tell me how to fix those kinds of issues?

I would check with the suspend2 list. But a quick search through my own
list archive (under evolution) I found no reference to your problem
I'll try that, I just wanted to try the gentoo lists first in case it had anything to do with gentoo. :P
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