On Thursday 23 February 2006 19:25, Uwe Thiem wrote:
> End of rant.
I think you should read this article

I don't know about you but since I started using an archck kernel, I have 
always seen my system actually using swap. The swap prefetch patch seems to 
be working here and I don't mind at all. In fact it makes my system much more 
Here is the current free -m report.
$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           495        485          9          0         61        131
-/+ buffers/cache:        293        202
Swap:          768        241        526

Now imagine that if I didn't have any swap space, that 241MB would have either 
been eaten up from my RAM or those files would never have been cached. In 
first scenario, it would reduce the capability of my system to cache the 
important files in RAM b'cos it is already full with not-so-important files, 
while in the latter case the Disk IO on my system will increase whenever I 
needed those not-so-important files. What ever your choice might be, I 
personally choose free RAM for better caching of files + lesser Disk IO, even 
if that means spending 768MB of HDD space.


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