On Sat, 25 Feb 2006 13:34:28 -0600 "Boyd Stephen Smith Jr."
| > | > ~arch means a package is a candidate for going into arch after
| > | > further testing, if said testing does not turn up new bugs. This
| > | > means that both the ebuild *and* the package should be likely
| > | > to be stable.
| > |
| > | So, betas shouldn't ever be ~arch?  Or is your definition of
| > | stable broad enough to include betas?
| >
| > Entirely dependent on the upstream. I've had Vim beta releases in
| > ~arch, for example, because I'm confident in upstream's ability to
| > do beta releases without screwing up.
| So, it's based on the collective opinion of the gentoo developers?  
| Wouldn't it be better to put that in the hands of the gentoo user?

Absolutely not. If there's one thing we've established over the years,
it's that the vast majority of our users don't have the slightest clue
what's best for them in terms of package stability.

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Wearer of the shiny hat)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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