Uwe Thiem wrote:

This looks very wrong. What happens if you copy the file from the unaffected box over?

Success at last!  Here's what I did on the affected box:

1)  emerge -C cups.

     After removing cups, I noted that the /etc/cups directory
     still existed with all of its old contents.  None of it had
     been removed.

2)  cd /etc/cups
     mv mime.types mime.types.old
     mv mime.convs mime.convs.old

3)  emerge cups

     After this step, a new, different mime.types was installed.
     It was identical to the mime.types file on my unaffected systems.

4)  fire up browser, point it at http://localhost:631.  No problems
    configuring printers.

Previous attempts to do steps 1) and 3) above, but not 2) resulted
in an unchanged, obsolete, and incorrect version of mime.types.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions in debugging this problem!

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