On Sunday 26 February 2006 22:17, Ducky Z. wrote:
> I'm using the modules provided by the kernel, which is 2.6.15.
> alsa-lib is 1.0.10.
This should be fine.

> When I aplay a file, it shows:
> ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:900:(snd_pcm_direct_initialize_slave) unable to
> install hw params
> ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:831:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to initialize slave
> aplay: main:544: audio open error: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Hrm....  Is this being done as root?  I think your /etc/asound.conf file might 
need some help.  I'm not sure here, but it might not be able to play because 
the wrong information is in the asound.conf file.

> > In addition to being unmuted are the outputs actually turned up?
> Output means?
Means that PCM, MASTER are not set to 0 in alsamixer.  You said earlier that 
they were unmuted and turned up so I think you have this covered, but you 
should double check.

> > You appear to have the right modules loaded, but those dmesg errors are
> > likely because the userland is having problems talking to the kernel.
> Is there any workaround?
Well the workaround is to get programs using the alsa libraries to properly 
initialize the device.  Not sure what the configuration issue is.

Zac Slade
ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
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