I have the following partition table

/dev/hdb6              9004120   8780172    223948  98% /
udev                    452040       108    451932   1% /dev
/dev/hdb8              8803312   8388844    414468  96% /usr
/dev/hdb1             12289692  11802356    487336  97% /winsux
/dev/hdb2             10080520   7198664   2369788  76% /mnt/ubuntu
/dev/hdb7             39068848  37834076   1234772  97% /mnt/b40
none                    452040         0    452040   0% /dev/shm

Basically, I want to give my ntfs windows winsux partition half the disk (.net2 is so enormous I have no space for anything else...). I have an 250gig external usb hd that I am formatting in ext3 (and it looks like it will take several hours!) that can be used for transfer. I would like to create images of both windows and gentoo and then restore afterwards - basically only / and /usr need to be imaged (I guess I could just copy them, and may end up doing that...) but I am pretty sure a straight copy of windows won't work. What I *might* try is to copy linux to the server or external hd and then simply resize the ntfs partition with ntfsresize. I have had success resizing ntfs with rescuecd so might go that route.
Anyone got any suggestions on the best approach? dd? cp + ntfsresize?
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