Tim Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  I love zsh ;-)
> ,-----
> | % setopt | grep -i "append.*history"
> | incappendhistory
> | % man zshoptions | col -b | grep -A 4 APPEND_HISTORY
> |         If this is set, zsh sessions will append their history  list  to
> |         the  history file, rather than overwrite it. Thus, multiple par-
> |         allel zsh sessions will all have their history  lists  added  to
> |         the history file, in the order they are killed.
> |--
> |         This options works like APPEND_HISTORY except that  new  history
> |         lines  are added to the $HISTFILE incrementally (as soon as they
> |         are entered), rather than waiting until  the  shell  is  killed.
> |         The  file  is periodically trimmed to the number of lines speci-
> |         fied by $SAVEHIST, but can exceed this value between  trimmings.
> `-----

I'd love it more if they bothered to tell you how to set this stuff.

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