neil wrote:
> Jarry wrote:
>> I got viruses many times.
> Over the past 20-odd years, I have had machines running many versions
> of DOS, all versions of Windows since Windows 286, all versions of
> OS/2 since 1.3 and several distributions of Linux. I have never, ever
> seen a virus. I have to wonder what you are doing to be so "unfortunate".
If your 'doze boxes have been always been firewalled - ok, that explains

Otherwise I'd be very surprised - try installing XP and connecting to
the t'internet to get all the updates, you'll be lucky to last 5 minutes
with an internet accessible IP :)

My Linux boxes are frequently bombarded by Viruses (even ones that are
years old - SQL Slammer, Blaster etc)

Tim Igoe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Personal Site - UK TV Guide - *New* F1 Forums

"Computers are like Air-con, open windows and they stop working!"

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