On Tuesday 07 March 2006 23:52, Bobber Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about '[gentoo-user] how to implement net bandwidth quota':
> I'd like to implement net bandwidth quota. E.g. I like give normal use
> 1M/s at max, give superuse 10M/s at max, give server user like apache
> 50M.
> Any suggestion?

What what I understand, bw quotas on a per-user basis are not possible.  
You could limit each connection to 1M/s and vary that based on the user 
that owns the connection using iptables and connection tracking (may not 
work on SMP systems).  Check out the "Advanced Linux Routing HOW-TO" on 
tldp.org.  It's still a work in progress, but I learned all my few bw 
throttling abilities through it.

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