Hey group,

I am a long time Linux user, however I am new to Gentoo.  I used Red
Hat/Fedora for many years, then my own Linux based on LFS and the last
year I have been using Ubuntu.

I really like Ubuntu because of apt, however I have had frustrations
with Ubuntu because it could be a pain to get newer versions of packages
installed.  For example Ubuntu defaulted to Apache 1.x for mod_mono.

I have now been using Gentoo for a few days and I am running into some
issues I hope this group can help with.  At first emerge was trying to
merge some really old packages.  For example I wanted mysql 5.x, php 5.x
and Apache 2.x and Gentoo was only going to install mysql 4.x.  I did
find out about ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" which has helped with getting more
recent versions of software installed.

I am looking for any good links, tips, suggestions of admin software to
emerge, etc to help me learn the ins-and-outs of Gentoo.  I have tons of
questions but don't know where to look.  Well, I can google but that
takes ages and I was hoping many of you on this list will have a nice
set of bookmarks on gentoo admin, handy gentoo software, tips etc.

Some tasks I could do in Fedora/Ubuntu that I want to know how to do on

See list of all *installed* software.
Browse available software that can be installed.
See what version of a particular software package is installed.
See if any new versions of *installed* software are available.



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