On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 20:32 +0100, Holly Bostick wrote:
> A.R.S. KA9QLQ Alvin Koffman schreef:
> > As for insulting the developers I said I looked forward to when they
> >  had something I [a normal person] could use
> You know, it just occurs to me to question this often-heard "assumption"
> that "non-geek"="normal" -- with "geek" being defined by these so-called
> "normal" people.
> Is it "not normal" to want to understand what you're doing when
> installing an OS?
> Is it "normal" to object (vociferously, usually) to having to read the
> instructions before attempting to perform a complex technical procedure?
> Is it "normal" to think that "click a fancy button and everything just
> works" is the way things are *supposed* to be, when dealing with a
> complex technical operation?
> I personally don't think so, but then again I'm a "geek", apparently,
> and I don't know what "normal" is, anyway, since I'm apparently not.
> Not to be rude, but if I was "normal", I suppose I would understand how
> one can be "a normal person" and severely disabled in the same paragraph,
> since these conditions either have no relationship to each other (in
> which case there was no need for the "I'm disabled" trump card), or
> contradict each other (in which case the speaker looks like a.....
> person who smells of elderberries).
> But of course, I'm out of here; pointless flame-fests are not my idea of
> a fun Friday night.
> Holly

Amen to that.  The US government has labelled me "mentally disabled",
and I still managed to successfully install Gentoo on three different
PCs...  If someone like me can do it, anyone can.  

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