On Saturday 11 March 2006 9:58 am, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Giving root pwd and running reiserfschk /dev/hdb6 returns the prompt
> really quick and no output.

No such file "reiserfschk", typo or are you looking for...

Usage: reiserfsck [mode] [options]  device

  --check                       consistency checking (default)
  --fix-fixable                 fix corruptions which can be fixed without
  --rebuild-sb                  super block checking and rebuilding if needed
                                (may require --rebuild-tree afterwards)
  --rebuild-tree                force fsck to rebuild filesystem from scratch
                                (takes a long time)
  --clean-attributes            clean garbage in reserved fields in StatDatas
  -j | --journal device         specify journal if relocated
  -B | --badblocks file         file with list of all bad blocks on the fs
  -l | --logfile file           make fsck to complain to specifed file
  -n | --nolog                  make fsck to not complain
  -z | --adjust-size            fix file sizes to real size
  -q | --quiet                  no speed info
  -y | --yes                    no confirmations
  -V                            prints version and exits
  -a and -p                     some light-weight auto checks for bootup
  -f and -r                     ignored
Expert options:
  --no-journal-available        do not open nor replay journal
  -S | --scan-whole-partition   build tree of all blocks of the device

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