On Sun, 12 Mar 2006, Paul Stear wrote:

In KDE I can copy files using Konqueror to lan://pc2/ which shows my
device.homenet.com.  If I then click on the device I get 3 icons NFS SMB HTTP
If I click on SMB the location changes to smb://device.homenet.com and I can
copy any files I want - even links seem to work

you can use network filesystems NFS or SMB. Make sure you compiled support into your kernel.

then try:

mount -t smbfs //netbios_name_of_server_or_ip/name_of_share /local_dir


mount -t nfs dns_server_name_or_ip:/remote_dir /local_dir

rsync -Cav --delete --progress /test lkd5f:/test

after mount run:

rsync -Cav --delete --progress /test /local_dir

to use advantages of rsync, or just use cp etc.


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