On Sunday 12 March 2006 06:51, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> On Saturday 11 March 2006 04:19, Martins Steinbergs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
> about
> > and most annoying change is with KDE settings,
> > new way that every new window starts in background doesnt suit
> > me very much, can somebody point me where to fix it?
> I noticed that as well, but I haven't figure out how to change it either.

tried to tweak settings and finaly created new user account with no luck. now 
i'm updating qt3 which i missed to update due to update bring in qt4, and 
kdebase. if this will help ill let you know.
little upset that after xorg migration i lost my mouse theme and dont recall 
its name, those were some simple red pointers.
oh, just came idea to rebuild gtk too.

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