On 3/13/06, Ow Mun Heng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         I recently got a bunch of (old) scsi disks and would like to get the
> most out of them. They are 7200 18GB scsi disks which hdparm reports up
> to 18MB/s of transfer rate. (vs 30MB/s on my 5400 80GB laptop drive and
> 24MB/s on a 7200 200GB IDE Drive)
> I'm wondering if there are applications which can be used to tune the
> disks for better performance?

I don't think there is much tuning that can be done, other than
putting them in a RAID0 array.  SCSI already does DMA, so as long as
they are attached to the fastest controller that the drives support,
you are probably maxed out on throughput.

BTW, 24MB/s on a 7200rpm 200G drive on an IDE channel seems very, very
low.  That number should be more like 65MB/s.  Unless this is actually
in a USB enclosure...


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