
On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:03:24 -0500 "Timothy A. Holmes"

> I am getting ready to start a project here in the building to map the
> physical infrastructure of our network (its been assembled kinda willy
> nilly over the last 8 years or so).  I am looking for a program to run
> on my laptop that I can plug into a wall plate and it will cause the
> port activity lights on the switch to blink distinctly so that I can
> begin tracing plugs to ports.  Due to budgetary constraints, open
> source / freeware is very very preferable.

Not sure about "distinctly" (that will certainly depend on the switch's
electronic and programmatic design), but - tada - you can usually cause
the traffic light on the switch to blink with network traffic ;-)

So broadcasting some UDP packages out into the wild should be
sufficient. Use e.g. netcat. OTOH, you might want to play with ethtool
and switch connection rates for short intervals. Usually switches have
a light indicator for the speed, too, so that should be easier to
distinct on a busy switch. Toggle this in a shell loop with a few
"sleep"s inserted...

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