On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 00:32 +0100, Petr Uzel wrote:
> > > wouldnt say it is possible, unless u have hibernaton enabled, which
> > > probably is not in your case. besides emerge --resume only resumes not
> > > downloaded fully files from internet to be downloaded...
> >
> > Not so. emerge --resume restarts the previous emerge process, even after
> > a reboot, exactly as Petr needs.
what i meant is that it will have to recompile allover again(it might
use some cahching  mechanizm as well?) if he has turned "emerge" process
off and in case if file wasnt downloaded fully it(emerge) will resume
file downloading
> >
> > I doubt the fact that some packages are compiled with one GCC and others
> > with a different one is going to cause a problem, especially as you'll
> > carry on with the recompiling after the reboot. Even if you don't reboot,
> > your system will be running with a mixture of 3.3/3.4-compiled packages
> > during the emerge.
> Ok, I'll give it a try. Thank you for quick answers.
> Petr

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