On 3/15/06, Ghaith Hachem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
try as root chown YOURUSER:users /home/YOURUSER -R
this should fix your permission problems
if it still don't load create a new user with a new home directory
start gnome there if it loads copy over your backups like .mozilla
.amsn  and stuff
gnome once failed to load when i installed gentoo after ubuntu and
that's what fixed it for me

i did have this sort of problems before too, gnome is a buggy thing IMHO, solution You told me did work for me at that time too... i am sure, all folders an files belong to my user.
To make things sure i created new user and run gdm with new user as well, same story as my current user session, same story as root session.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

I want to appologise in advance, my english is not so good sometimes, and my speech is badly spoiled with IRC kinda style, i hope You will not make a fuss out of it...

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