On Thursday 16 March 2006 12:11, Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about 
'Re: [gentoo-user] dd if=/dev/dvd of=backup.iso':
> The strange part is that when I mount the same DVD in amd64-machine all
> directory and files are listed in small letters (and I know they should
> be all CAPS).
> Though, I don't see what difference it could make, but why one machine
> list the files and directories in small letter and the other one in
> caps.

One machine is mounting as iso9660; the other is mounting as UDF.  The one 
mounting as UDF is more correct.  This won't make a difference to dd 
(since it operates below the file system) but would affect cp, ll, or any 
other program that required the drive to be mounted.

I used to rip DVDs and CDs using dd w/ conv=noerror.  I find I actually get 
better results with a tool designed to read CDs specifically.  I don't 
know if it is because they better moderate the speed of the drive, or if 
they are simply cognizant of the error correction bits on the disk, but 
I'll never go back to reading CDs or DVDs with dd again.

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