On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 19:24:10 +0100, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:

> > Major versions, yes, but not minor versions. The problems occur when
> > you upgrade one distro to a later minor version, run it, then go back
> > to the older version. config files are intended to be
> > backward-compatible, not forward-compatible. This isn't urban myth, I
> > have experienced it.
> and which desktop environment breaks compatibility in minor versions?
> I had some config breakage between KDE3.4 and 3.5 related to some 3rd
> party decoration/theme, but in the minor versions, it shouldn't matter.

KDE, especially if one of the distros uses a customised version.

Running Gentoo and Mandrake with a shared home directory broke things in
very short order. Using separate home directories on a single shared
partition gave no such problems.

Every distro is different (otherwise, what would be the point?) so
sharing config files is always going to be risky.

Neil Bothwick

OS/2: Obsolete Soon, Too

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