Stroller and Simon,

Thank you so much for the helpful information.
Finally, I changed the settings of postfix, and let all my emails relay
through gmail server. It seems work. 


On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 06:21:17AM +0000, Stroller wrote:
> On 20 Mar 2006, at 22:46, Mingfeng Yang wrote:
>     ... Now my problem is: the mail
>     sent out by postfix (sendmail) is always get rejected by the mailing
>     lists, though I set "my_hdr From: mfyang < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>" in muttrc.
> I'm not familiar with Mutt, but it looks like've got a space between the < and
> the g. Is this correct / important / relevant?
>     How can I "cheat" the mailing list and let my email go to everybody even
>     if it's sent from my local sendmail program instead of gmail sever?
> This should surely work as you anticipate. A work-around might be to relay
> through Gmail's SMTP server, tho'.
> Stroller.
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