Thanks a bunch to you Iain and richard as well for pointing me into the right direction !
I ll have a look @ this PORTDIR_OVERLAY feature.



Iain Buchanan wrote:
On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 11:37 -0700, Richard Fish wrote:
On 3/22/06, sebastien Pastor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    1 Is there a way for me to be able to download somehow version 2.3.3

You can look in /usr/portage/media-sound/ecasound/ to see what versions
are available.  Unfortunately for you, there is only 2.4.3 :(

If version 2.3.3 still existed, you could install that specifically by

emerge =media-sound/ecasound-2.3.3

But since it's not there you'll either have to find the ebuild for it,
or upgrade to 2.4.3.

    2 If not, anyone could tell me how long packages are kept in the

Usually the latest stable ebuilds are kept.  When there is a security
update or bug fix, the affected ebuilds are usually deleted.  When a new
version becomes sufficiently tested and stable, older versions are
deleted if there are no dependencies on them.

 and what would be the process if i really need to stick with
one version which is no longer there?

If you _must_ have a particular version for ever, then use the
PORTDIR_OVERLAY in /etc/make.conf


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