On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 03:58 +0100, Rick van Hattem wrote:
> On Friday 24 March 2006 02:46, TN wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I see that emerge has a resume option - but it only compiles from where
> > the the previous emerge was stopped and when you issue a resume, it
> > starts at the beginning of the next package to be emerged.
> >
> > Is it possible to get emerge to continue from where the actual compile
> > was broken (ie. not recompile from the package beginning, but rather
> > from within the package itself ?)
> > I find a constant problem in that large packages take so long to
> > compile, that I need to shutdown my laptop before an emerge is complete
> > (to go home or whatever), and then I have to start from the beginning
> > again.....OO takes around 6 hours for me, and it seems that this would
> > be reasonable to implement so that emerges could be resumed from the
> > last source file where the compilation was halted ?
> > The option should be able to ask emerge to start compiling the package
> > without un-compressing and cleaning up the last compile I'd assume.
> >
> No, that's not really possible.

oh yes it is :>

You can edit /etc/make.conf and add noclean to your FEATURES.  This way
the temporary stuff in /var/tmp/portage (or wherever it is) will stay
behind, and you can say `emerge --resume` and it will continue.

HOWEVER: the side effect is that /var/tmp/portage will get very large.
I recommend that you say:

FEATURES=noclean emerge -u openoffice
FEATURES=noclean emerge --resume

just for the specific build you want it for.

> However, you can use ccache to save the compilations and you could put the 
> laptop in standby to continue after moving it.

This is also a good idea.

> But I'm affraid those are your only options.

not so.

You could also install openoffice-bin.

You could even setup hibernate, so that you don't have to shutdown.
Just hibernate your laptop, and when it starts up again the emerge will
continue like it never stopped.

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Tobacco is a filthy weed,
That from the devil does proceed;
It drains your purse, it burns your clothes,
And makes a chimney of your nose.
                -- B. Waterhouse

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