On 3/24/06, Teresa and Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gabriel Dain wrote:
> >>However, I don't know how to rebuild the kernel
> >>
> >>
> >
> ># cd /usr/src/linux

Know how to do that...

> ># make menuconfig

I don't see a file called "menuconfig" in here.  Will this work?  All
I see (that looks relevant) is Makefile, include/ and kernel/

> ><!--- Add whatever support you need, i've never worked with ACPI, sorry --->

No clue whatsoever how to do that.  I've never built a kernel before,
not on Debian, not on Red Hat, not on anything.

> ># make && make modules_install

What'll that do?  Make and make modules_install?  I don't see anything
called "modules_install" either.

> Addition:
> cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/bzImage<your stuff here>

I think mine is a i686...  I think I should say that I did just take
the kernel off the live CD...  I wasn't brave enough (at the time) to
build a kernel.

> Then add it or change it in bootloader, grub is easier on this one.  ;-)

I use grup.

> Then . . . .
> ># reboot
> >
> >that should do it, if support is what you need. However, this will
> >probably be more useful:
> >
> ># emerge -av acpid <!--- -av means --verbose and --ask, so you can see
> >what you're actually emerging, and have to choice no to, if you want
> >--->


> >and read this for help on configuring it:
> >http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_ACPI_basic_configuration

Did so.  However, the Battery Monitor for KDE still tells me to
rebuild my kernel with this ACPI enabled, most specifically "AC
Adaptor" and "Control Method Battery," though if it'll support more
then I'd certainly love to do that.

> >Gabriel Dain
> >
> >
> >
> Other than that, pretty good start.  May need more help though since you
> are new to this.  Welcome to Gentoo Linux.  You'll get over that feeling
> of being a 'long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs' after a
> while.  LOL

I've been using Debian (Debian and Kubuntu) for the past 5 months or
so to build my skills to the point that I can squeak through Gentoo
with only minor injuries : )  I'm also in that odd area of learning
C++ where I'm not ultra-good, but I'm not clueless, either : )  So
eventually I'll be attempting to interrogate all of you about these
fascinating bash scripts.

Even so, I'm really loving Gentoo....  it leaves a smaller memory
footprint than even Debian!  Coming from ten years of Windows use,
that's like...  going to heaven without having to die, really.

Thanks for your help.  I'll try and see if I can get this to work the easy way.

Also, emerge now tells me that I have 19 config files in /etc to be
updated.  How would I go about doing that?  emerge --help config
confused me more than anything else (that was what emerge reccommended
I do).

========== GCv3.12 ==========
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V? PS- PE+ Y-(--) PGP- t+++ 5? X R tv-- b+
                DI+++ D+ G e* h- !r !y
========= END GCv3.12 ========

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