On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 10:48:15AM -0500, Penguin Lover Jeff squawked:
> Hey all.
> Wondering, is there a neat command-line tool that can convert MP3 into
> other formats?

Personally I don't like transcoding from MP3 to other formats because
of the quality loss. That said: you can do a lot with 'sox'

[11:02 AM]wwong ~ $ emerge search sox
[ Results for search key : sox ]
[ Applications found : 1 ]
*  media-sound/sox
      Latest version available: 12.17.7-r1
      Latest version installed: 12.17.7-r1
      Size of downloaded files: 455 kB
      Homepage:    http://sox.sourceforge.net
      Description: The swiss army knife of sound processing programs
      License:     LGPL-2.1

And if you want it in some format sox cannot deal with, you can always
convert first to wav/aiff/raw and convert again to your target format
with usually no additional quality loss. 

Q: "What is the best way to determine the volume of a little red
A: Physicist: Measure the diameter, devide by two for radius and use
the formula 4/3 * PI * radius ^ 3

A: Chemist: Take a beaker, fill it with water. Dunk the ball in it,
and measure the amount of water displaced.

A: Engineer: It's easy, just pull out the "Little Red Ball" book and
look it up.
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