How about a crazier idea:

Each package has a stability rating from 0-99 per
0 means totally untested/unstable and 99 means rock
solid/no bugs. (0-33~unstable, 34-66~testing,
Each new package starts at 50. Whenever a user uses
the package, he can then vote on it by giving +1 or -1
(on the website or through portage).

Indeed, a crazy idea. Technical issues like stability, which technology to use, how to implement a certain functionality, whether a bug is fixed,... can not be subject to voting. Period. Someone actually has to look into the matter and decide on technical merits.

Anyway, the idea of a finer granularity for stability branches shouldn't be throwed away. The score could be given by developers, following some rules (bugs filed vs. time, etc.)

Without using a 0-99 range (it seems too much granular imho), a 0-10 range could be nice (0-not working / 10-production level rock solid).

Is there already some example of such usage?

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