Michael Stewart (vericgar <vericgar <at> gentoo.org> writes:

> >  pops up the usually apache2 default page....
> > 
> > But I cannot get to the 
> > /var/www/localhost/htdocs/htdocs/admin/setup.php page, from a web browser
> > running on neither the server, nor anywhere on the network. The default
> > apache2 page does pop up on a web browser from any machine on
> > the network, including the apache2 server.

> I may be misunderstanding your question, so please clarify if I have.

> Are you looking for the URL you need to type in your browser to get to
> the setup script? Assuming that you haven't changed the DocumentRoot
> setting, try using

Nothing but the default apache2 web page popped up in the beginning.
The I went and changed all of the files and directory permissions to 777.
Now I can get this dir page:
and this one:
the only other page in dir ''
that shows up, contains this error message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: html() in
/opt/jffnms/htdocs/admin/adm/structures.php on line 701

I did not change the 'DocumentRoot' but, which file to I check to
see if installing JFFNMS altered something erroneously?

I followed this guide:

So far the only error I have 'flushed out' is
# psql template1 postgres <
should be:
# psql template1 postgres <

Which file(s) do I need to check to ensure the DocumentRoot is correct?
I cannot locate that setting in either httpd.conf nor apache2.conf.


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