On Sat, 2006-04-01 at 22:24 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Jim wrote:
> > Here is a little program I tossed together to free that cached memory.
> Hm. Why do this? Do you actually get any performance benefits
> after having freed the memory occupied by the cache?
> In theory, you shouldn't see any benefits, as the system
> should throw away memory pages occupied by cache stuff,
> as soon as there are "more important" requests (like
> any malloc).
> Or am I wrong?

That is how it should be.  However I noticed when I only had 512 MB of
memory that most of my memory would be "used" and I would see a lot of
cache.  Instead of that cache being freed or used, I would see a lot of
swap file usage which really kills performance.

I basically don't want to see swap touched unless I actually run out of
physical memory.

The best thing to do besides have a bunch of memory is to tune your


Now that I have 2 GB of memory, I don't worry about it any more.
However when I had 512MB it was an issues, especially when trying to run
apache, mysql, postfix, courier and a full desktop.

I'm a geek, but I don't get it. 36-24-36 = -24. What's the significance?
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