On Sunday 02 April 2006 18:31, Uwe Thiem wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Kernel is 2.6.14-r3. I am using splash and, probably ore important, a
> background picture in a framebuffer on every virtual text console.
> A long download is running on one text console (ppp with an analogue
> modem). I am in X and switch back text console to check on the download.
> Each and every tie I do that, the download rate drops and stalls while TX
> on the modem goes on flickering. After a short while, stalling is over, the
> download rate jumps to an insanely high value and eventually drops down to
> the modem speed again.
> Usually that means an out-of-order package or a package got dropped because
> it was corrupted.
> Now y curious questions: Does switching fro X to a text console with
> framebuffer disturbs interrupt handling that badly that I get a buffer
> overrun on the serial port the modem is attached to? From my point of view,
> that is the most likely explanation. Anyone who actually knows what is
> happening?
> Uwe
> --
> Why do consumers keep buying products they will live to curse?

From my experience switching to and from X will temporarily freeze your system 
and depending on the buffers in your modem you could get a buffer overflow 

I'm not why but I've noticed it aswell (for example while timing some stuff, 
there was a bit of a gap after switching)

Rick van Hattem Rick.van.Hattem(at)Fawo.nl

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