On 4/6/06, Richard Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/6/06, Rafael Bugajewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So eclipse sdk is what you WANT. :-) I think the ebuild names let
> > people misunderstand some things...

Yeah, oftentimes I miss the presence of a nice graphical package
browser like Synaptic.  Even if I can't install stuff using it, it's
still nice to just go shopping : )

It also included a more detailed description of the software.  There'd
be 3 or so levels of descriptors: the very short one, the medium one,
and the very long one.  It was very effective.

> Actually, it is the eclipse project itself that has made this so damn
> confusing.  Take a look at their "About Us" page, and try to find
> anywhere that it mentions an IDE.  It is actually a development
> platform for building IDEs, or other applications built on top of a
> bunch of smaller tools.

I just hear about it used a lot for making Java programs.  If it gets
too confusing, I'll just stick with KDevelop!  I just hear that
Eclipse is a Java-optimised IDE, and I'd like to use that instead of
ultra-compatible KDevelop (which I perfer for C/C++, and am planning
for use with bash as well).

> On their downloads page....the main download is "Eclipse SDK 3.1.2".
> You won't find anywhere on their downloads pages to download the Java
> IDE, because it is all part of the SDK!

So the IDE is in the SDK?  That's... strange.

========== GCv3.12 ==========
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========= END GCv3.12 ========

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