Hi Rich,

Sorry, lost my end of the thread.

I checked that file:

/usr/include/sys/mman.h:20:1: unterminated #ifndef 

If the error meant missing semi-colon, they all seem
to be there.

Don't have equery so did emerge -pv gentoolkit and the
machine crashed.

Booted into single user and did fsck.reiserfs on /;
there was no errors or any message or log at all. And
it didn't help matters. Used the bootcd too; same

As a test(after normal reboot) I went to
/usr/src/linux and did a make menuconfig. Yikes! Hard
Drive lost interrupt...CRASH!

Seems I can do simple tasks ls, cat, nano, mount, etc.
But calling on the authorities leads to disaster :^(


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