On Wednesday 12 April 2006 12:30 pm, Sieb, Glenn E (Glenn) wrote:
> Hi everyone :)
> In installprofile.xml, there's an option to list packages you want
> installed in a space-delimited format. Just wondering--can I specify
> *versions* there? Like:
> app-admin/logrotate-x.xx app-admin/sudo-y.yy app-admin/syslog-ng-z.zz
> app-admin/sysstat-q.qq
> and so forth (where x.xx/y.yy/z.zz/q.qq are actual version numbers)?

Yes but that's not clean

> If not, what is the best way of going about to make sure that, say, 10
> machines are all set up with the same version of various packages that are
> on other machines? (Development environment, so versioning is, as we say,
> imperative. :) )

Use the same portage tree, have only the package version(s) you want 
avaliable. The installer has the option to use nfs mounts, webrsync, standard 
rsync, or a URI to a snapshot (which can be both local or remote).

> Thank you all in advance!
> Best,
> --Glenn
> --
> Glenn E. Sieb, MTS
> +1 732 949 5453

Chris White

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