*Sigh* Sorry for the fat fingers before :-/ Let's try this again, eh?

Chris said:
> Yes but that's not clean

Understood. I'm _very_ new to Gentoo. I've spent the past 6 years supporting 
FreeBSD systems, and I'm being thrown into the deep end of the pool at this new 
job ;-)

> Use the same portage tree, have only the package version(s) you want 
> avaliable. The installer has the option to use nfs mounts, webrsync, 
> standard rsync, or a URI to a snapshot (which can be both local or 
> remote).

Gotcha. So in the installprofile.xml I can set:


To be something more like:


Or along those lines (I'll do it through the gui and see how it changes the 
file)? My eventual goal is to have a netboot system for setting up boxes, but 
right now the need is great, the time is short and the resources are nil. :-\

And thank you all for your help--you've been great :-) 

Glenn E. Sieb, MTS
+1 732 949 5453
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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