On Thursday 13 April 2006 09:38, CR Little wrote:
> It's a single drive.
>(add this line
> /dev/hda3             3.7G  1.3G  2.3G  36% /
> /dev/hda5             4.6G  4.1G  285M  94% /usr
> /dev/hda6             4.6G  312M  4.1G   7% /var
> /dev/hda7             2.8G   33M  2.6G   2% /tmp
> /dev/hda8              11G   35M  9.9G   1% /home
> none                   89M     0   89M   0% /dev/shm
Since /home has a lot of free space, you could put portage (along with 
distfiles) on /home, and after you're satisfied it works OK remove portage 
from /usr, gaining back at least around 1GB or so.

cp -a /usr/portage/ /home

Just to be safe, temporarily rename /usr/portage to portage.old

mv /usr/portage /usr/portage.old

Then change the /etc/make.profile symlink to point to the new location.

cd /etc
rm -rf make.profile
ln -s /home/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2006.0 make.profile
(this is just an example from my system- you may using a different profile- 
check with emerge --info)

Edit /etc/make.conf (add this line)


Run an emerge --sync to check if it works. It should, and you can then do:

rm -rf /usr/portage.old
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