On Friday 14 April 2006 02:11 pm, Franta wrote:
> ... but THIS is impossible

<major snip>

> hope I've copied it right ....... then goes the REALLY
> upgrade ..........
> All of X blocks all and everything of X. That's really amazing. That's
> what I ever wanted Linux to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Thank you GGEENNTTOO team !!!!!(????????????)!!!!!!!!!

Thank them for what?  Screwing up the ~x86 area?  Hello!  Earth to Franta!  
IT'S BETA SOFTWARE!  NO GUARANTEE!!!  If you don't want problems, then stick 
with -x86.  Honestly, you sound like some politician whining when the first 
rocket failed during the space race.  It's not *supposed* to work.

> It WAS great, but it really isn't for usage. Well, I could say: "THAT'S

If you want something that's useable, even in the unsupported software area, I 
don't think you'll find any distro that can help you.  I can understand if 
you think that the stable listings are a bit stale.  I'm still waiting for my 
two personal favourite programs to be declared safe (YaKuake and Katapult) 
but I'm not willing to suffer the big massive upgrade headache over it.  Calm 
down.  You're overracting.  Furthermore, of all linux distros I've ever had 
experience with, Gentoo is NOT for "ease-of-use," but rather for the power 
user that knows what he (or she) is doing.  If you can't swim then get out of 
the deep end of the pool.  Go find something safer like Kubuntu or Debian, 
learn your Linux concepts there, then migrate to the more challenging (but, 
IMHO, more rewarding) Gentoo.  That's what I did.  I used Kubuntu and Debian 
for six months until I felt ready for Gentoo (and they built a graphical 
installer - I'm averse to installation manuals that are over thirty pages ; )

No one's (to my knowledge) asking you to use Gentoo.  I don't see why you 
(apparently) feel so scandalized.  Calm down.

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