On Sunday 16 April 2006 06:54, "Alan E. Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about '[gentoo-user] Security from non-authorized logins':
> I helped a friend install Ubuntu GNU/Linux on his laptop, he left
> town, forgot his passwords, and I promised to breakin for him, so he
> can re-do his passwords.  Told him all I have to do is run Knoppix,
> access his partition, and delete the little x in the password file.
> Then he would reset his root password in be back in business.
> He felt betrayed.  I understand why, I think: what's secure about
> GNU/Linux if anyone can boot the system and reset his passwords?

First of all, you can't have it both ways.  Either there's a way to get 
into your system without your password(s) or you are screwed when you 
forget your password.

Second, any OS that doesn't hold it's password file on an encrypted area 
protected by some other master password, is subject to the same attack.  
Sometimes there's more "security by obscurity" to deal with, but that only 
has to be dealt with once.  (For example, "rooting" a Windows box requires 
tools that are a bit more specialized than a text editor.)

> Oh, well, does anyone have anything to suggest or to say about this?

You can set your BIOS so that only device X is bootable, but there's two 
ways around that.  Since you have physical access, you can either (a) 
exchange the media hooked to device X or (b) short the reset pins / remove 
the MB battery to reset the BIOS to factory defaults.  Either might 
require opening the case, but are pretty easy to do.  Also, it really easy 
to forget BIOS passwords since they aren't needed that often.

Now, okay, so lets work under the assumption that the attacker has full 
control over your boot process.  They can load any OS they want so even if 
they have no /other/ way to access your data, they can simply read it byte 
by byte off of the hard drive.  They can also write to the hard drive, so 
they could replace your secure software with insecure or malicious 
software (assuming the can read the software enough to know how to modify 
it).  [The same can be said for transforming innocuous data to 
incriminating data.] Even if they don't have enough access to modify your 
software, they could just overwrite the HD and deprive you of the data.

Now, while we can't prevent vandals from destroying your data, it is 
possible to encrypt everything on your HD 'cept for the kernel and just 
enough user-space tools to start the decryption.  This prevents the 
attacker from stealing the data, and also prevents an attacker from 
replacing your secure software with insecure or malicious software (they 
don't know where/what to write).  The keys are protected by a password; 
without the password NO ONE can get them, so DON'T LOSE THE PASSWORD.

Finally, I do want to take this opportunity to mention one of the 
possible /benefits/ of TPM / TCM / "Treacherous" Computing.  Assuming you 
have the keys to your computer, it will only load BIOSes that you've 
allowed which will only load kernels you've allowed, which give you 
control over you boot process again -- encryption will still be necessary 
to safeguard against your HD simply being stolen, but TPM/TCM is does 
close a few holes.  (Of course, this is not how MS etc. want TPM/TCM 
implemented; they are looking at a system design where /THEY/ own the keys 
to your computer.)

"If there's one thing we've established over the years,
it's that the vast majority of our users don't have the slightest
clue what's best for them in terms of package stability."
-- Gentoo Developer Ciaran McCreesh

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