
On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:37:37 +0300
Catalin Trifu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    I would like to get a TV Tunner installed on my gentoo linux box.
>    Could you please share some of your experience with setting up
> a TV Tunner and which cards/software you used.

I'm currently running a DVB setup with a modified (stripped down to run
completely out of RAM-Disk) gentoo. I'm not sure if you had DVB in
mind, though. I can definitely recommend this in combination with VDR
(others prefer MythTV, which is probably better for analogue TV) - it
currently provides me a TV set top box on a Pentium 200 MMX. It's a
full featured card, i.e. the hardware decodes the MPEG2 video and audio
streams. You can use a so called »budget card« that doesn't have this
decoder (and no TV out) and use your CPU for decoding (not an option
for the Pentium 200, which I like for its quietness). You should have
at least ~400 MHz and there won't be much left of your CPU cycles when
watching TV with this. With modern CPUs you don't have to care that
much. The standard linux kernel brings all needed DVB drivers for most

For VDR, there are plugins that allow streaming over some network (from
my experiences, >10MBit is needed). For me, that means I can watch TV
on my work computer, too, streamed from my VDR set top box.

So my suggestion is clearly DVB (if you're from Germany, too: probably
only useful for DVB-T and DVB-S, due to limited channels for most DVB-C
networks) and VDR.

If you rely on analogue TV, I don't have any experience to share :-(


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