
Recently, I deinstalled evolution, as I don't use it and it's thus
just a waste for me. At a subsequent "emerge -Duvat world", I see:

[nomerge      ] gnome-base/gnome-2.12.3  USE="-accessibility cdr -dvdr hal"
[nomerge      ]  net-analyzer/gnome-nettool-1.4.1  USE="-debug"
[ebuild  N    ]   net-analyzer/traceroute-1.4_p12-r5  USE="-static" 79 kB
[ebuild  N    ]  mail-client/evolution-  USE="crypt -dbus -debug doc 
-gstreamer -ipv6 -kerberos -krb4 -ldap -mono nntp -pda -profile spell ssl" 11,233 kB

As you can see, mail-client/evolution is going to be reinstalled as
as a dependency of gnome-base/gnome. I dislike that...

Is there a way to make emerge/Portage pretend that mail-client/evolution
is already installed WITHOUT actually installing it? I do NOT want
to deinstall gnome-base/gnome and I also don't really want to
put gnome-base/gnome in a local overlay.

Thanks a lot,

Alexander Skwar
Higgins:        Doolittle, you're either an honest man or a rogue.
Doolittle:      A little of both, Guv'nor.  Like the rest of us, a
                little of both.
                -- Shaw, "Pygmalion"
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