On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 15:12:53 -0400
"Mark Shields" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 4/22/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know of any hardware and software that can be used to transfer
> > VHS
> > tapes to DVDs using Gentoo Linux on x86 hardware?
> > --
> > gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
> >
> >
> Your best bet is to get a video capture card.  I'd recommend Hauppauge
> cards.  Pricewatch has a nice card listed for $40.  Portage has a driver
> called ivtv, http://www.ivtvdriver.org, for Hauppauge and other video
> capture cards.
> You just hook up a normal VCR to the card, record the input, and use
> software to transcode the video to mpeg-2 format.  With dvdauthor and a few
> other tools (as listed on the dvdauthor website, dvdauthor.sf.net), you can
> burn it to a DVD.
> Hope this helps,
> Mark Shields

You have some capture tips, after capture you might want to try
any2vob/any2dvd. Developed on gentoo but AFAIK no official ebuilds.

Search any2vob on forums.gentoo.org for a very extensive thread on its
use. any2vob turns almost any video file into a dvd compliant .vob file.

any2dvd leverages any2vob and then creates a DVD iso with menus,
chapters at predefined intervals etc.

The home page is un-preposessing, but the program works well:

Go up a dir and there is some documentation and the author's own
ebuilds which you can add to your overlay.


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