> Oddly, running kernel 2.6.16, it is showing up as
> /dev/ttyS2, so I had
> to re-run wvdialconf (the only such package that
> ever detected the
> modem as /dev/ttyS14, by the way).   Although I
> cannot be certain, I
> suspect that serial support in the 2.6.X kernel
> series has gone
> through another evolution.
> Alan
 One difference I noticed is in
/etc/conf.d/net.example. Much more extensive
configuration for dial-up. Basically, it asks you to
copy over the provider file under /etc/ppp/peers

Also, when I did an emerge ppp on the 2.6.16 box in
the log it mentions the new way of doing things, ie
using  ../conf.d/net

But I just noticed I had to rc-update del net.ppp0
default or it would a) dialout when booting and b)
fail to connect.

So I just do what I've always been doing pon <my-isp>.


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