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Joseph Kulisics wrote:
> Hi,
>   I looked at the torrents page before---http://torrents.gentoo.org/---but
> the only package files are for architectures other than x86. If I could
> find the CD image, then I know how to use emerge to refer to the CDROM for
> package installation; I just can't find a CD image anywhere. Is there a
> link on the page that I missed, or is the package CD rolled into one of
> the other disks like the livecd? Thanks,
>   Joseph Kulisics
> _____________________________________________________
> For the judgement of mankind is as relentless to the weakness that falls
> short of a recognized renown, as it is jealous of the arrogance that
> aspires higher than its due.
>       Pericles as quoted by Thucydides,
>       Book II of his history of the Peloponnesian War
> HOME PAGE URL:        http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~kulisics/
> On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, Rumen Yotov wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:21:46 +0300
>> From: Rumen Yotov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Reply-To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
>> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
>> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] x86 Packages CD image
> Joseph Kulisics wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>   I'm trying to prepare a very old system for use in a laboratory, and
>>>> while I normally do the source installation, the initial parts of the
>>>> installation of this old system were so slow that I don't think a source
>>>> installation is practical. I would like to use binary packages for
>>>> installation, but I cannot find an image of aa cdrom for x86 precompiled
>>>> packages.
>>>>   Does anyone know where you can download an image of preceompiled x86
>>>> packages or how you can tell emerge to look for precompiled packages on
>>>> the web?
>>>>   Thank you,
>>>>   Joseph Kulisics
>>>> _____________________________________________________
>>>> For the judgement of mankind is as relentless to the weakness that falls
>>>> short of a recognized renown, as it is jealous of the arrogance that
>>>> aspires higher than its due.
>>>>    Pericles as quoted by Thucydides,
>>>>    Book II of his history of the Peloponnesian War
>>>> HOME PAGE URL:     http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~kulisics/
> Hi,
> Check the torrents for 2006.0, IIRC there's such CD.
> Next follow the guide.
> HTH.Rumen
- --
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
Can't find anything, too.
As last resort, if your "arch" is at at least "i686" you could use the
liveCD-2006.0 directly (to install) or start it and using "quickpkg"
make your own binary packages. Save them elsewhere, and use later.
If arch < i686 can't help.
BTW: check for "Kuroraa-0.2" or better "RR4-3.0b", the second is a half
full DVD with many packages (may be even too many ;) - Gentoo derivates.
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