JimD wrote:
OK, something weird is going on with a new install I just did.  I might
have hosed /dev.  I though udev takes card of /dev?

When I boot the new install, I get a kernel panic about the root= line
in my grub.conf.  So from the grub boot menu I press c and entered:

root (hd0,0)
Filesytem type is reiserfs...

kernel /boot/kern[TAB] (grub auto-completes) root=/dev[TAB]
Error 11: Unrecongnized device string.

Did I break something or forget something?

I booted into the gentoo install CD and mounted /dev/sda1 and /dev on my
disk is empty.  I started to mknod some devices, however that could take
all night.  Besides, I thought udev handles that?  Or do I need a base
set of device files for the kernel until udev kicks in?

A truly empty /dev is a bad thing. /dev needs to contain AT LEAST /dev/null and /dev/console in order for the kernel and baselayout to do their thing until udev kicks in. Those two files are all my /dev has, and it works fine.

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